Black Girl' Hairy-tales

Hair has such power over the females, you can be certain it's spiritual so spiritual among black girls, it changes our attitudes and moods, and this ain't no myth. 

This blog is a collection of my experiences with the changes I go through with hairstyles, from the free spirit braids to revolutionary Afros and every hairstyle in-between. 
Disclaimer~ All the pictures are taken from Instagram!   

Braided Girls ~ Free-spirited  

I absolutely love braids, this for me is the top hairstyle for black girls, on campus, in the church at work, all in all, we braid throughout. 
Braids are my favorite style, very easy to style, and maintenance is totally low, some hairspray does the trick and they are very fashionable timeless, and always trendy, braids are never out of style! 

When I braid, when black girls braid our message is simple we are screaming freedom and powerful vibes, every-time I braid I feel so free-spirited good vibes, and empowered, I walk the streets with so much power and no one can stop me. 

History of Braids  

Braids are in our blood, we have been braiding since the beginning of time. Africans first started braiding in the early 3000s BC,  in Africa (You already know this) they were very popular among women especially the Himba people of Namibia where it all started and spread across the continent eventually the world. 

Braids are not only all the wonderful things I spoke of, but massive for hair growth, plus they come in many types, short long small big high, and low. 

Curly Girl ~ Independent & Adventurously 

Curls are so much fun in many ways, they are so easy to dress up or down super easy to style, and a variety of styles, but curls require high maintenance. Naturally, black hair is curly, the definitions of curls differ from not so curly to super curly, then you get kinky curls, coils curls, and curly curls, its a curl heaven, although for the longest time our curls were shown hell, mocked and dragged through the iron, in an attempt to fit in the defined beauty, most girls straightened ironed and permed the curls away, until recently when a new weave breezed self-love self-identity and positivity, then curls returned and we all went natural! 

Curls are great for winter and summer, a perfect pair for winter and summer fashion trends, but I love curls for that vintage look you get so effortless, but the attitude of adventure and independence, when I have my curls out I want to take a trip to the Caribbeans, I want to visit the landmarks in my city, curls just give that "go and see the world" vibe, because that are fun and easy. 

Curls are timeless and my all-time favorite!   

Pixie Cut ~ Bad Girl Mood

Talk about bad girl mood, short hair 

Nothing says bad girl mood than a cute short pixie cut, this hairstyle suits just about every head shape and size, a pixie cut is so easy to maintain and to rock, very stylish for any fashion style and occasion. But this hairstyle requires a lot of confidence, you have to look the part, you can't walk in a room looking down or around, when pixie you have to own the room, own where ever you go, and pair that with a powerful outfit. Short hair in most African cultures symbolized grief (still does) when a woman loses her husband she and other female members would shave their heads as a sign of grief, it is believed a woman's hair is her beauty, so when sadness is upon you beauty is taken away, the hair is the beauty. 

I love the simplicity of a pixie cut, and its diversity, you can make it really short, semi-short, or short on one side,  and different colors are always a must, a pixie cut looks good in summer, really hot. 

Locked on Locs For The Culture  
Nothing screams for the culture like locs

Dreadlocks are as old as humanity, the origin man (black) had locks, locks are that one hairstyle has had little to no evolution, they are made just as they were million years ago. 

locks are empowering, the isn't a time that you have locks that you feel anything less than power, locks are stylish, classy, and all seasons. 

Locks are so symbolic and spiritual, so much so that Samson and Jesus had locks, people in the bible like Jesus and Samson were of Nazareth, a group of people selected by God to stay away from dead bodies, cutting their hair and drinking wine, the hair symbolized total submission to God, in other African cultures locks symbolized strength             

Today dreadlocks symbolize the iconic, Bob Marley.

When I first knew of locs was when I knew of Bob Marley, it is undeniable that Bob Marley sure did link Locks and Rastafarianism to himself, although it is believed to be Leonard P. Howell of Jamaica who started the Rastafrainism movement, the Rastafrain movement started off as a political-religious movement which was a voice against white supremacists and championed black pride. 

Power to the locs 

Corn Rows 

Corns rows automatically put me in a relaxed mood, I automatically feel like Christmas or Easter, cornrows are perfect for a little weekend gateway or family time. Cornrows are a quick easy fix when you are not in the mood for anything fancy or over the top, this is a "am just playing" kind of style.


Cornrows originate from Africa, and during the early years of slavery, cornrows played an amazing role in helping slaves flee their masters, this was done through the style of the cornrows, making serval rows which only other slaves read simply by looking at the hair, another use of cornrows in the dark ages was hiding rice and other seeds in the hair of the slaves, so that those sold be had a way of keeping their cultural recipes alive as well as having seeds to grow.

Cornrows are a favorite for both men and women, this is particularly true in the 90s and early 2000s, every cool kid then wore cornrows. The corns are back for the guys and even better.

Cornrows are a hairstyle that allows creativity to flow. 

Natural Hair 

It's who we are, natural hair is magic black hair is sensational powerful, and comparable to none. 

Back to the roots like a boss, natural hair is magic, really magical nothing can compare, the only hair that stands against gravity, natural hair can become everything, you can switch it up however you please (black Girl Privilege)  

The hardest part about natural hair when left in its kinky state, is combing, in general, all black hair is hard to comb out, so it is quite obvious the ancestors invented combs, all sorts of combs, small big long short, every comb for every curl. 

My ancestors were obsessed with beauty, prophet Jeremiah warned them about beauty " like the women of Jerusalem sticking their noses in the air, dressed in gold", Apostle Peter warned them "Don't only bother about your utter beauty" but they were stubborn beings, who spent their lives braiding and dressing, hair has always been important to black culture hence the invention of combs, you know, to enhance the beauty that is black hair. 


Afro hair is a hairstyle which you style natural hair, Afro hair simply means African Hair, but it is a hairstyle we refer to when we comb out our hair, like Simba's hair (Lion King) 

Afro gives you Amandla (power) feeling that the ancestors fought for, listen when I have my Afro out, I'm signaling don't mess with me, Afro is such a segment hairstyle because it was very popular during the struggle years, many women of the struggle (colonization, civil rights) had Afros big and small. I love a good Afro, it represents my warrior women who fought tirelessly against the inhuman systems, the is something about an Afro that transports you among the power that the women of the struggle possessed, it's a powerful hairstyle very easy to style but extremely hard to maintain, you end to braid every night before going to bed (African braiding) helps the Afro from shrinking, shrinkage is when natural hair reduces in size overnight, not permanently but for a while, however, it can remain in this state if you choose to, otherwise the very next day you can stretch it out of the shrink. 

An Afro is a very retro hairstyle, one that remains timeless in black culture, I have pictures of my aunty (my mom has long curly hair and could not be styled in an Afro) grannies cousins all previous generations wearing an Afro, this hairstyle has literally been passed from generation to generation without fail, young or old babies to every black person at-least-once or twice has worn the Afro. 

I love how this hairstyle is so retro and African, you can pair it up with big African accessories, big bold African prints, or even for the Morden girl, blue jeans and a pure white tee will do. 

Our Hair Our Story 

What makes our hair absolutely amazing is the stories told, the time spent, and the process. Every time we braid wig or weave, at the saloon corner streets or at home, the hair experience is the same. Granny sister or cousin, somehow someone is bound to know how to braid, natural talent or acquired skill, and so it's always a family affair. A Mother or cousin who is about to plait sits on whatever is most comfortable, whether in the house or outside facing the street ready to wave hands at the by-passers maybe even pass one or two comments about the least loved neighbors in the community.  

I remember when I was younger my mom's friend used to braid my hair every now and then.

13-year-old me braiding hair at home in the South of Johannesburg  

I enjoyed listening to the tales told of the good old days, stories about culture and traditions the good the bad and the ones never understood. In a nutshell, plaiting hair is an amazing art where creativity is birthed and a good time is granted. 

Black hair is more than just hair, it's a journey an experience I would not trade for anything in the world.


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