Queen Lenshina: A Spiritual Rebel

Alice Mulenga, later known as Lenshina (meaning "Queen" or "Regina" in Bemba), was born in 1920 in Chinsali, Northern Rhodesia (modern-day Zambia). A self-declared prophetess and spiritual leader, Lenshina became one of the most polarizing figures in Zambian history, ultimately earning the reputation of a "spiritual rebel."

A Divine Encounter

Lenshina’s journey as a spiritual leader began in 1953 after a near-death experience caused by malaria. She reportedly fell into a coma and, upon awakening, claimed to have met Jesus. She said He had instructed her to teach Africans a new form of worship, one free from the constraints of traditional practices like witchcraft and colonial religious influences. Fueled by this vision, Lenshina founded the Lumpa Church between 1955 and 1958. The church’s rejection of witchcraft and its promise of spiritual renewal resonated deeply with the people, and it grew rapidly, surpassing the Catholic Church and the Church of Scotland in followers.

A Woman Leading in a Man’s World

Lenshina’s rise to prominence as a female spiritual leader was unprecedented in a deeply patriarchal society. Her growing influence became a threat to male spiritual leaders and to Kenneth Kaunda, the newly elected president of Zambia. Kaunda viewed Lenshina’s power and autonomy as a direct challenge to his political authority, particularly because she openly criticized his governance, accusing him of perpetuating colonial-style rule. Lenshina also rejected Western religious practices that Kaunda endorsed, advocating instead for a uniquely African form of worship.

The Bloody Conflict

The growing tension between the Lumpa Church and Kaunda’s United National Independence Party (UNIP) eventually escalated into violence. Kaunda’s government saw the church as a threat to national unity and began targeting its members. Lumpa followers were attacked, their homes were burned, and many were killed. Lenshina, unwilling to submit, led her followers in retaliatory acts, mirroring the violence by burning UNIP members’ homes and inflicting casualties on her adversaries. This period marked one of the bloodiest conflicts in Zambia’s post-independence history.

Imprisonment and Death

Lenshina was eventually captured and imprisoned. Her death in custody in 1978 remains shrouded in controversy, with many believing she was assassinated. Despite her death, the Lumpa Church survived and continues to exist in Zambia today, a testament to her enduring spiritual legacy.

A Queen of Spirituality and Bravery

Lenshina’s life was a bold defiance of societal norms, colonial rule, and patriarchal oppression. In an era when women were marginalized in all aspects of life, she stood firm as a leader, unshaken by the threats against her. Her courage and spiritual vision made her a queen not only in title but also in action.

Lenshina was not just a prophetess or a rebel; she was a pioneer who reshaped the religious and cultural landscape of Zambia. Today, her legacy lives on as a reminder of the power of conviction and the resilience of the human spirit. Truly, she was a queen of her people.


  1. It's about time we learn about our Africa history, keep them coming

  2. Admiring your passion for your country! though, certain things your writing are lacking facts in regards to the post about Angola and the king and latter his sister the Queen. Glad, you researching these topics and I hope too help if need be on discourse. Also, Understand that faith and belief are not based on actual facts, logic or pragmatism. they dont support actual truth; faith and belief is hopefulness, lack of education, ignorance and not realistic. ask your self would you take medicine from a bush doctor or real Ph.D Dr. that uses science and pharmacology to develop a medication? your answer to that will prove many things. kudos

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 3 November 2017 at 02:27
      Dear RadioLab, thank you for visiting my blog and reading my posts I hope you enjoy them. Kindly understand that my main objective is to present history in a fun and related way, facts and truths are the main aim but making it easy to read is what I’m here for. The right term is natural healer not bush doctors, they use natural remedies which cure fast and naturally unlike PhD doctors, to say compare natural healers and PhD doctors is unnecessary because both function in different ways to achieve one goal.
      You are welcome to help


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