The story of God and the Woman

After writing a few articles from the heading “the story of God and his woman” I thought to myself what an interesting topic this was and so I decided to write a full post about the story of God and the woman. 

Photo By: Instagram~ Checkout Africa 

The story of God and the woman, like I have previously started is attached to negative narratives, and I can testify why so many people today still feel this way about God and the woman. I grew up in church I started attending church at age 10 about the same time I got involved in current affairs, am a church girl and let me say with lots of pride when I first attended Sunday school the first story from the bible I heard was the story of Adam and Eve, the Adam and Eve saga favors the man who is often victimized for an act he voluntary participated in, this is not an argument of who was wrong or right because both man and woman committed the act as a team hence both man and woman were punished, otherwise, it would have been just the woman. 

From a young age attending church, you would agree with me the impact the Adam and Eve story had and continues to have, immediately you blame Eve (who is not innocent) for all the disasters of the world at least I did, but I never thought what if Adam didn't eat the fruit? Would they have been hoping for the world? I guess we will never know. The boys in Sunday school felt like better humans and girls had their heads hanging down in a shame that should have never been passed on, the classic story of how ashamed black kids felt in history class (a history which is whitewashed) the boys felt like God belonged to only them this obviously was caused by the lack of truth in the Adam and Eve story, the boys were not taught of the individual responsibility of Adam, unfortunately, and the entitled boys grew into men and took high positions in the church mosques, etc. The religious men have kept the Adam and Eve saga legacy alive for many many years! 

God has always loved the woman, this is evident from the priceless attributes he gave her, God created the woman and installed in her the most amazing power and strength, a power that the strongest muscular man can never possess, a power that can build and destroy, God gave the woman this power for the many gifts callings and challenges she would face, a woman's strength carries the whole world daily, she is the one who ensures everyone is ok, perhaps why the Lord himself ensures she's ok. From the creation of time God has always used the woman just as much as he has used the man, the are many Biblical stories that prove this statement to be right, the woman has played amazing roles in not only shaping the Christian faith but also in events that have impacted the whole world for a very long time, we (people of the faith) are often taught that a woman is not meant to hold any positions in the church apart from admin and catering positions which are seemly womanly, but this is not biblically true because women in the bible did much more than womanly roles, I mean even bad girls Jezebel and the likes did some bad manly things (not the perfect example but) Look the are many women biblical past and present who prove God is on the side of the woman. 

Apostle Paul was a great servant of the lord and he gave a lot of wisdom on serval areas of life, some of his commentary (as he stated himself) was not what God commanded and/or ordained, it was his comments and feelings and truthfully speaking Apostle Paul grew up deep beard little cap on the head religious, you got it he was a Pharisee not to drag his past here but some teaching of the law remained in him especially his lawful stance on women and church, he was clear that a woman’s place was at the back of the church but again this is far from what God says about women. He (God) has and continues to prove his love for the woman, he said to husbands “love your wife as Christ loves the church” how much does Christ love the church? Enough to die for the church, so should the husband love his wife. To God a woman is more than anything preached and taught in the church, she is his masterpiece and he gave her a place in a high place in his church. 

Deborah was a female judge (first female judge? I don't know) she was very influential and led during one of the most lawless periods of the Jewish nation, a judge was appointed by God a prophet would literally hear from the lord before appointing a judge, in these days the Jews had no kings only judges as their leaders so Deborah was like a king, ordained by the Lord leading men and women, Esther saved the entire jews and so many other women, the list is another blog post (endless). 
The story of God and the woman has been wrongly interpreted by men who fear the power of the woman.


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